Here you have a list with all questions about Houston Community College System or about one of the courses from this school. You can answer yourself some of the questions and help others to chose the best degree or you can ask your own For more informations about Houston Community College System and a list with all it's programs visit school detail page
I am interested in the sonography program at Houston Community College and was wondering the % acceptance of sonography program applicants.
Answer this questionI want to start the program as soon as possible so I want to know what I need as paper and all information about the inscription and the programe thank you
Answer this questionI would like to become a peace officer but I been getting conflicting answers to my question. I was arrested 24 years ago and charged with resisting arrest. Can I still become a police officer or...
Answer this questionI was LVN for 13 yrs..was disabled by drunk driver..I've been on disability since 2002...I've let LVN license expire...refresher course is $1400. How much does taking LVN class cost?
Answer this questionHow many months does the Houston Community College TCLEOSE program last? How long does it take from start to finish in order to obtain my TCLEOSE license? How much does it cost?
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