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Medical Assistant - South Hills School of Business and Technology

Ask your questions about this Campus Associate program from South Hills School of Business and Technology

Medical Assistant Associate from South Hills School of Business and Technology details

Program Format: Campus Program Level: Associate

Medical Assistant from South Hills School of Business and Technology is a Campus Associate Health Aide degree that prepares you for a Healthcare career. The health care industry is changing quickly with an increasing demand for more multi-skilled health care workers. The medical assistant graduate is trained to perform specific administrative and clinical procedures in a medical setting. Clinical duties may include assisting the physician, specimen collection and processing, and medication preparation and administration as permitted by state law. Administrative duties may include records management, medical transcription, and billing. Career Opportunities Medical Laboratory Assistant Office Clinician Medical Records Assistant Electrocardiography Technician Phlebotomist Medical Assistant students will: Be able to complete common diagnostic procedures Be able to prepare and administer medication Understand proper aseptic techniques Be able to perform medical coding and billing procedures Be knowledgeable about anatomy, physiology, and disease conditions View more details on South Hills School of Business & Technology . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Health Aide courses.

South Hills School of Business and Technology details

South Hills School of Business and Technology address is 508 58th Street, Altoona, Pennsylvania 16602. You can contact this school by calling (814) 944-6134 or visit the college website at .
This is a 2-year, Private for-profit, according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is and student-to-faculty ratio is . The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is .
Awards offered by South Hills School of Business and Technology are as follow: One but less than two years certificate Associate's degree.
With a student population of and set in a City: Small, South Hills School of Business and Technology services are: . Campus housing: .
Tuition for South Hills School of Business and Technology is . Type of credit accepted by this institution . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics

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Here you have more valuable resources related to this South Hills School of Business and Technology program. You can discover more about Medical Assistant or other closely related Health Aide topics on the next external pages :

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