Environmental Science from San Bernardino Valley College is a Campus Associate Enviroment degree that prepares you for a Science career. The goals of the Environmental Science program are to: 1) meet the needs of students who are majoring in one of the diverse fields encompassed by environmental science, and 2) provide options for students fulfilling general education science requirements. Awareness of the issues of environmental quality is increasingly important in business, industry, and government. The growing human opulation and increasing consumption of resources are creating unprecedented pressures on our planetary life support systems. Environmental science majors need to complete an interdisciplinary set of core requirements that provide a basic understanding of the physical, biological, and social sciences and the relevance of these sciences to environmental processes and issues. In addition, the coursework will prepare students for related baccalaureate majors, including: biology, chemistry, engineering, geography (including emphasis in geographic information systems (GIS), geology, mathematics, oceanography, and physics. For non-majors, the program?s goal is to educate students to make better-informed choices about key environmental and health issues. Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution and major in environmental science should consult with a counselor regarding the transfer process and institutionspecific lower-division requirements. In upper division and graduate studies, students majoring in environmental science usually specialize in areas such as environmental toxicology, public health, environmental law, education, environmental economics, soil and water science , restoration ecology, environmental landscaping, environmental management and urban planning, and related careers. View more details on San Bernardino Valley College . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Enviroment courses.
San Bernardino Valley College address is 701 South Mount Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino, California 92410-2798. You can contact this school by calling (909) 384-4400 or visit the college website at www.valleycollege.edu .
This is a 2-year, Public, Associate's--Public Urban-serving Multicampus according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 30 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 5% .
Awards offered by San Bernardino Valley College are as follow: Less than one year certificate One but less than two years certificate Associate's degree Two but less than 4 years certificate.
With a student population of 12,380 (all undergraduate) and set in a City: Midsize, San Bernardino Valley College services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers On-campus day care for students' children . Campus housing: No.
Tuition for San Bernardino Valley College is $795. Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics
Here you have more valuable resources related to this San Bernardino Valley College program. You can discover more about Environmental Science or other closely related Enviroment topics on the next external pages :