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Social Studies/History Education - Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

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Social Studies/History Education Bachelor from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania details

Program Format: Campus Program Level: Bachelor

Social Studies/History Education from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania is a Campus Bachelor Teaching degree that prepares you for a Education career. The Department of History and Political Science offers a B.S.E. in Social Studies/History. The past is a living, dynamic subject and very much a part of today. This program in the humanities provides a solid background in the methods and concepts of historical investigation and introduces students to the various schools of historical interpretation. It includes courses in American, European, and Non-Western history, as well as a wide variety of arts and sciences courses. The research and writing skills developed in this program open opportunities in many areas. History is excellent preparation for law school. Combined with the appropriate courses, it provides a good background for journalism. Producers of television shows, documentaries, and movies, with settings in the past, all have research staffs to insure historically accurate productions. History graduates work in such diverse careers as editing publications, archival management, foreign service, and museums. View more details on Mansfield University of Pennsylvania . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Teaching courses.

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania details

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania address is Academy Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933. You can contact this school by calling (570) 662-4000 or visit the college website at .
This is a 4-year, Public, Master's Colleges and Universities (medium programs) according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 19 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 3% or less .
Awards offered by Mansfield University of Pennsylvania are as follow: Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Postbaccalaureate certificate Master's degree Post-master's certificate.
With a student population of 3,275 (2,876 undergraduate) and set in a Town: Distant, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers On-campus day care for students' children . Campus housing: Yes.
Tuition for Mansfield University of Pennsylvania is $8,654. Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics

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