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Nursing - Indiana University - Southeast Albany IN

Ask your questions about this Campus Bachelor program from Indiana University - Southeast Albany IN

Nursing Bachelor from Indiana University - Southeast Albany IN details

Program Format: Campus Program Level: Bachelor

Nursing from Indiana University - Southeast Albany IN is a Campus Bachelor Registered Nurse degree that prepares you for a Nursing career. Welcome to the B.S. in Nursing Program The mission of Indiana University Southeast School of Nursing is to create a community of learning that addresses society's need for caring professionals and that nurtures students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds. The baccalaureate program prepares competent, professional nurses to meet current and future societal health care needs. Program graduates function as practitioners and leaders in acute and long-term care, community settings, homecare and non-traditional settings. The creative curriculum provides a foundation for graduate study. The graduate possesses a broad knowledge of the humanities, biological and social sciences, and nursing. As a beginning practitioner the graduate applies well-developed problem solving skills in caring for individuals, families and communities. The curriculum is composed of two areas of study: (1) general education and (2) classroom and clinical nursing courses. The majority of 29-31 credit hours of general education prerequisites are completed on the Southeast campus. Course work completed at other colleges or universities will be evaluated for equivalency with courses at IU Southeast and transfer of credit may be granted. View more details on Indiana University - Southeast . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Registered Nurse courses.

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