Doctor's degree Educational Psychology from Indiana University - Bloomington is a Campus Ph.D Educational Psychology degree that prepares you for a Psychology career. Doctoral Program Overview The Educational Psychology specialization/track at Indiana University is a concentration that leads to a PhD in Learning and Developmental Sciences. The program offers work concentrating on learning and development across the life span and both inside and outside of the classroom. In the Educational Psychology sprecialization/track students can focus on either the learner and the processes of acquiring, storing, and accessing knowledge, or on the conditions of learning, instruction and their relation to learner outcomes. In addition, the learner can study how development affects learning, leading to research that contributes to the understanding of human behavior while addressing the practical concerns of educators, parents, and others interested in the developing learner both inside and outside the classroom. Our faculty are guided in these endeavors by the following objectives: To give students a strong grounding in concepts, theories and empirical studies of individuals' biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development across the life span. To give students a strong understanding in how learning occurs and the different theories about learning. To help students build an expertise in one or more specific aspects of educational psychology . To involve students in faculty-guided and independent research experiences that promote the development of strong research skills. To help students attain other experiences (e.g., teaching, program development) that help them meet their particular career objectives. To allow flexibility in course work and other program requirements in order to meet the specific needs and interests of individual students. To help students place their specific interests within the larger contexts of the educational psychology field, with an emphasis on implications of developmental processes for learning, educational programs, and practice. Within the larger Learning and Developmental Sciences degree , seven faculty specialize in Educational Psychology . Faculty areas of research include: child, adolescent, and adult development; cognitive and social development, creativity, individual differences in learning rates (i.e., gifted learners), classroom applications of learning theories, and the interacting effects of child, home, and school variables. Some of our research programs focus on basic processes of development, (such as family processes, parenting, scaffolding, peers, social status; social networks, the development of aggression, violence, emotional and academic self-regulation, play interests, expertise, metacognition, creativity, children???s thinking, gerontology, physical activity and aging, and creativity and aging). Faculty also focus on applied programs of research such as child care and development, family/school connections, learning in the classroom, adolescent deviancy and risky behaviors, and geriatric education for health care professionals. A wide range of research methods are used by faculty and included as part of the training program, including laboratory based experimental studies, naturalistic studies in homes and schools, and secondary data analysis of large data sets. We limit the number of doctoral students entering the Educational Psychology program to typically 4 - 6 students each year in order to facilitate close mentoring relationships between faculty and students. Our department is firmly committed to mentoring and supporting ethnic minority graduate students. Our faculty recently have been awarded mentoring and teaching awards. Students are assigned an advisor with similar research interests when they begin the program but are free to switch advisors as interests change. All new doctoral students have the opportunity to become familiar with faculty in the department in an introductory course their first semester, Theory and Method in Educational Psychology (P526), in which members of the department present their research. This allows students to refine their own interests and begin the process of tailoring their course work and training to best realize their own professional and academic ambitions. We encourage students in the program to begin their research program during their first year. A faculty member works individually with each student to develop the first step of the student???s research program, an early inquiry project, (similar to a master???s thesis). This first study provides the student with training in research design, methods, and analysis and should lead to a publication for the student. View more details on Indiana University - Bloomington, IN . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Educational Psychology courses.
Indiana University - Bloomington address is 107 South Indiana Ave., Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7000. You can contact this school by calling (812) 855-4848 or visit the college website at .
This is a 4-year, Public, Research Universities (very high research activity) according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 19 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 3% or less .
Awards offered by Indiana University - Bloomington are as follow: One but less than two years certificate Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree Post-master's certificate Doctor's degree - research/scholarship Doctor's degree - professional practice.
With a student population of 42,731 (32,543 undergraduate) and set in a City: Small, Indiana University - Bloomington services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers On-campus day care for students' children . Campus housing: Yes.
Tuition for Indiana University - Bloomington is $9,524. Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit Credit for life experiences Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics
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