Doctor's degree Celtic Languages and Literatures from Harvard University is a Campus Ph.D Language degree that prepares you for a Liberal Arts career. The Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures offers advanced instruction and training in the languages and literatures of the Celtic -speaking peoples and administers programs leading to the PhD in Celtic Languages and Literatures. In this respect, it is unique in the United States. PhD programs in the Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures can sometimes be specially arranged so as to combine Celtic with other subjects. The Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures cooperates with other departments and committees in providing supplementary instruction for students who wish to work in Celtic as a special field. Courses in Celtic have been given at Harvard for over 100 years. In 1940, a professor of Celtic languages and literatures was appointed, and beginning with the academic year 1940-41, a separate Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures has functioned. Celtic is one subgroup of the Indo-European family of languages. Six Celtic languages have survived into the modern period: Cornish, Manx, Breton, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh. The last four are still spoken. The oldest extant Irish and Welsh texts date from the sixth century, justifying the claim that they represent the oldest non-classical literatures of Europe. Heroic narratives in prose and verse, lyric poetry, tales of the Otherworld, and legendary history are all richly attested in the Celtic literatures. Celtic tradition has influenced both the Latin and the vernacular literatures of medieval Europe, being the source, e.g., of the Arthurian cycle. The Harvard Celtic Studies program offers instruction in the following: Old, Middle, and Modern Irish; Middle and Modern Welsh; Scottish Gaelic; historical backgrounds of early Irish and Welsh; early, medieval, and modern Irish literature in Irish and in translation; early, medieval, and modern Welsh literature in Welsh and in translation; Irish and Welsh history and law in their social context; Celtic paganism; folklore; reading of Irish manuscripts. Courses in Breton and Cornish may be available from time to time. View more details on Harvard University . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Language courses.
Harvard University address is Massachusetts Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. You can contact this school by calling (617) 495-1000 or visit the college website at .
This is a 4-year, Private not-for-profit, Research Universities (very high research activity) according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 7 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 3% or less .
Awards offered by Harvard University are as follow: Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Postbaccalaureate certificate Master's degree Post-master's certificate Doctor's degree - research/scholarship Doctor's degree - professional practice.
With a student population of 27,392 (10,305 undergraduate) and set in a City: Midsize, Harvard University services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers On-campus day care for students' children . Campus housing: Yes.
Tuition for Harvard University is . Type of credit accepted by this institution Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics
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