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Geosciences - Hamilton College Clinton

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Geosciences Bachelor from Hamilton College Clinton details

Program Format: Campus Program Level: Bachelor

Geosciences from Hamilton College Clinton is a Campus Bachelor Geology degree that prepares you for a Science career. RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES Field work is a vital part of study in the geosciences . At Hamilton it has been integrated into nearly all courses at every level. In recent years, students and professors have conducted expeditions not only to Antarctica but to Hawaii, Iceland, the Florida Keys, Colorado, the Pacific Northwest and the European Alps. They also regularly do field work in the Central New York region surrounding the College. The department encourages student-faculty collaboration on a range of projects, and it provides substantial financial support for students who are interested in pursuing summer research. Many students present the results of their work at regional, national and international conferences; some co-author scholarly papers and journal articles in collaboration with faculty partners and mentors. THE SENIOR PROGRAM The Senior Program in geosciences is a two-semester course in which majors plan and pursue an independent senior project under the close supervision of at least one faculty member. The senior project is an integrating, culminating experience that draws on the skills and knowledge acquired in the first three years; for many students, it represents graduate-level work. RESOURCES The College maintains extensive fossil and mineral collections that include the Oren Root Mineral Collection, one of the finest in the country. The department's home at the state-of-the-art Science Center offers an array of tools and facilities that rival those of top graduate-level research institutions. Among them: a sedimentology lab with particle size analyzer (laser optics) and magnetic susceptibility system; oceanographic instrumentation including a conductivity, temperature and transmissivity recorder; geochemistry facilities including X-ray diffraction and fluorescence instrumentation and total organic carbon analyzer; rock cutting and thin-section equipment; a complement of petrographic microscopes with photographic capabilities; hydrogeology equipment including a digital current meter, flow cells, groundwater sampling equipment, field chemical analysis system, well-testing equipment and a groundwater flow meter; and a computer array including Macintosh and IBM/NEC machines with a host of software and a digitizing table. View more details on Hamilton College . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Geology courses.

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