Computer Business Systems from Davis & Elkins College is a Campus Associate Programming degree that prepares you for a IT career. Computing is a rich discipline with many specialty areas. Undergraduate computing courses focus mainly on handling algorithms (problem-solving procedures) in programming languages that operate on data structures available within the environment of existing hardware. Advanced studies deal with topics such as theory of algorithms, complexity of algorithms, compiler design, information systems, artificial intelligence, and design of software for various applications . Training in higher mathematics is generally essential. Degree Program The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers the student an opportunity to study computing at the Associate level. The major at the Associate degree level in Computer Business Systems is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in business programming or computing. Associate Degree in Computer Business Systems The requirements for a major in Computer Business Systems consist of 33 semester hours including: Accounting 111 - Principles of Accounting I Accounting 112 - Principles of Accounting II Business 101 - Introduction to Business Business 209 - Business Communication Business 230 - Information Software Processing I Business 231 - Information Software processing II Computer Science 101 - Introduction to Computer Science I Computer Science 102 - Introduction to Computer Science II and nine semester hours of Computer Science courses numbered above 200, and Mathematics 134. View more details on Davis & Elkins College . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Programming courses.
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