Web Programmer from College of Lake County is a Campus Associate Information Technology degree that prepares you for a IT career. Required General Education Coursework ........................15 AOS 122 Business Mathematics or MTH 122 College Algebra or MTH Elective (higher than MTH 122)................3-4 CMM 111 Communication Skills or CMM 121 Fundamentals of Speech or CMM 128 Interviewing Practices ..................................3 ENG 121 English Composition I ..................................3 PSY 121 Introduction to Psychology or PSY 122 Psychology in Business and Industry............3 Humanities or Fine Arts Elective*# ..............3 Required Business Coursework ......................................9-11 ACC 112 Accounting Procedures I or ACC 121 Financial Accounting ................................3-4 ACC 113 Accounting Procedures II or ACC 122 Managerial Accounting or BUS 111 Fundamentals of Finance ..........................3-4 BUS 121 Introduction to Business................................3 Required CIT Coursework..................................................36 CIT 112 Comprehensive Database ..............................3 CIT 113 Introduction to SQL ......................................3 CIT 120 Introduction to Computers ............................3 CIT 134 Programming Concepts using Visual Basic or CIT 136 Programming Concepts using Java ..............3 CIT 150 Introduction to Local Area Networking ........3 CIT 170 Creating Web Pages ......................................3 CIT 171 Scripting Languages ......................................3 CIT 173 PHP Programming ........................................3 CIT 239 Systems Analysis ..........................................3 CIT 270 Server Side Programming ............................3 CIT 271 Markup Language Programming ..................3 CIT Programming Electives (at end of section) or Non-programming Electives ........................3 Total Hours for AAS Degree ..........................................60-62 View more details on College of Lake County . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Information Technology courses.
College of Lake County address is 19351 W Washington St., Grayslake, Illinois 60030-1198. You can contact this school by calling (847) 543-2000 or visit the college website at www.clcillinois.edu .
This is a 2-year, Public, Associate's--Public Suburban-serving Multicampus according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 18 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 3% or less .
Awards offered by College of Lake County are as follow: Less than one year certificate One but less than two years certificate Associate's degree.
With a student population of 17,389 (all undergraduate) and set in a Suburb: Midsize, College of Lake County services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers On-campus day care for students' children . Campus housing: No.
Tuition for College of Lake County is $6,972. Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics
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