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Music Contemporary Christian Music - Central Christian College of Kansas

Ask your questions about this Campus Bachelor program from Central Christian College of Kansas

Music Contemporary Christian Music Bachelor from Central Christian College of Kansas details

Program Format: Campus Program Level: Bachelor

Music Contemporary Christian Music from Central Christian College of Kansas is a Campus Bachelor Religious Studies degree that prepares you for a Liberal Arts career. This major is designed for those students to acquire a greater understanding of the principles of music and its specific applications depending on the emphasis chosen. Component 1 - General Education Requirements In order to keep your educational experience broad enough to deal with the reality of the real world marketplace, all students, regardless of their major, are required to complete a series of General Education Courses. These courses include: English Composition I & II Principles of Speech Philosophy or Modern Culture & Christianity Fitness and Wellness P.E. Activity or Varsity Sport Math Science Personal Finance or Marriage & Family Computer Literacy History Psychology or Sociology Bible Survey Course I & II Old Testament Course New Testament Course Humanities Senior Seminar Component 2 - Music Major Core The Music Major also has a core of classes that you will need to complete. These classes include: Music Theory and Eartraining I Music Theory and Eartraining II Music Theory and Eartraining III Music Theory and Eartraining IV Music History I Music History II Music Theory III Basic Conducting Introduction to Music Technology Applied Music - Declared Instrument (4 credits must be upper level) Major Group Performance Voice Class Beginning Guitar Class Applied Piano Component 3 - Choose Your Emphasis The Music Major allows you to further tailor your major by giving you the option for emphases. Contemporary Christian Music Emphasis Studio Production Techniques Popular Music in America Computer Composition and Publishing Contemporary Christian Music Praise Band, Music Ministry Team, Lab Band Philosophy of Music and Worship Songwriting Junior Recital Senior Recital View more details on Central Christian College of Kansas . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Religious Studies courses.

Central Christian College of Kansas details

Central Christian College of Kansas address is 1200 S Main, McPherson, Kansas 67460-5740. You can contact this school by calling (620) 241-0723 x331 or visit the college website at .
This is a 4-year, Private not-for-profit, Baccalaureate Colleges--Diverse Fields according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Free Methodist and student-to-faculty ratio is 12 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 3% or less .
Awards offered by Central Christian College of Kansas are as follow: Associate's degree Bachelor's degree.
With a student population of 650 (all undergraduate) and set in a Town: Remote, Central Christian College of Kansas services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students . Campus housing: Yes.
Tuition for Central Christian College of Kansas is . Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit Credit for life experiences Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics

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