Psychology from California State University - East Bay is a Campus Bachelor Personality Psychology degree that prepares you for a Psychology career. Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes. Many psychologists work primarily with people to understand how they think, respond to stress, learn and forget, develop into unique personalities, and interact with one another. Others study the behavior and nervous systems of animals in order to find general principles that apply across species. Psychologists apply their knowledge to do therapy and counseling, to improve practices in schools, prisons, and rehabilitation centers, and to enhance performance in industry, business, and the professions. The Psychology department offers a major in both the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees . These are basic programs; to become a "psychologist" requires graduate training. The B.A. program is appropriate for most psychology students. It provides a basic understanding of human behavior and motivation that is valuable in many careers in business, government, and education. It also provides the background expected for entry into graduate programs in clinical psychology , counseling psychology, school psychology , health psychology, social psychology , or experimental psychology. The B.S. programs are designed for more specialized purposes. Students in the B.S. program must select one of the two options in that program: Industrial/Organizational Psychology or Ergonomics and Human Factors. The option in Industrial/Organizational Psychology provides preparation for careers related to business, with an emphasis on personnel management. The option in Ergonomics and Human Factors provides preparation for careers in the design of work environments to take account of human limitations and strengths, for example, the design of equipment (computers, aircraft, automobiles) or the design of industrial procedures. In Psychology's minor program, students can choose courses to complement training in business, communication, health and medicine, law and criminology, statistics, biology, and many other fields. Of special interest to students in that program might be our courses in developmental psychology , personality, cognitive processes, and learning View more details on California State University - East Bay . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Personality Psychology courses.
California State University - East Bay address is 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward, California 94542. You can contact this school by calling (510) 885-3000 or visit the college website at .
This is a 4-year, Public, Master's Colleges and Universities (larger programs) according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 27 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 3% or less .
Awards offered by California State University - East Bay are as follow: Bachelor's degree Master's degree.
With a student population of 13,160 (10,718 undergraduate) and set in a City: Midsize, California State University - East Bay services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers On-campus day care for students' children . Campus housing: Yes.
Tuition for California State University - East Bay is $6,414. Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics
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