Business Management from Brown Mackie College - Merrillville is a Campus Associate Management degree that prepares you for a Business career. The Business Management degree program at Brown Mackie College ? Merrillville in Indiana is an associate's degree program that equips you with skills necessary for entry into the contemporary world of business management and provides knowledge and skills which can lead to opportunities for promotion if you are currently working as a manager. This objective is reached through coursework in management principles, technical business procedures, computer operations, and general education. This Business Management degree program in Merrillville can prepare you to fill any of a variety of entry-level management positions. You will be equipped with the knowledge to excel in a wide range of fields, including accounting, retail, customer service, marketing, and/or human resources. You will be prepared for entry-level positions such as office manager, human resource associate , account representative, and marketing associate. This Business Management degree program offers you courses on: All phases of business, including ownership, marketing, personnel, finance, managerial controls, and the relationship between businesses and the social and economic environments in which they operate. Accounting concepts, procedures, and principles. The intricacies of decision-making in organizing and developing a small business , with focus on the various responsibilities a small business must meet and the challenges generated by the marketplace. View more details on Brown Mackie College - Merrillville, IN . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Management courses.
Brown Mackie College - Merrillville address is 1000 E 80th Place, Suite 205M, Merrillville, Indiana 46410. You can contact this school by calling (219) 769-3321 x2211 or visit the college website at . This is a 4-year, primarily associate's, Private for-profit, Associate's--Private For-profit 4-year Primarily Associate's according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 9 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 3% or less . Awards offered by Brown Mackie College - Merrillville are as follow: One but less than two years certificate Associate's degree Bachelor's degree. With a student population of 582 (all undergraduate) and set in a Rural: Fringe, Brown Mackie College - Merrillville services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers . Campus housing: No. Tuition for Brown Mackie College - Merrillville is . Type of credit accepted by this institution Institution does not accept dual, credit for life, or AP credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics
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