Education Middle School Education from Bethany College - Bethany is a Campus Bachelor Interdisciplinary Studies degree that prepares you for a Science career. Courses Required for a Middle Childhood Education Major *EDUC 203 Human Development 3 credits *SPED 207 Exceptionalities and Diversities 3 credits *SPED 208 Special Education Process (for PHED 5-9 content area, * PHED 333 suffices) 3 credits *SOCI 210 Human Diversity 3 credits *EDUC 242 Professional Principles 3 credits *EDUC 282 Instructional Technology in the Classroom 3 credits *EDUC 295 Multicultural Field Experience NC *EDUC 348 Classroom Discipline and Instruction 3 credits *EDUC 351 Integrated Mthds in Elem Sch: Lang Arts & Soc St ? or ? *EDUC 352 Integrated Mthds in Elem Sch: Math & Sci 3 credits (except PHED can take PHED 353 & FORL can take FORL 481) 3 credits *EDUC 376 Content Reading and Research 3 credits *EDUC 426 Principles and Techniques of Middle School Ed 2 credits *EDUC 427 Middle School Curriculum and Organization 1 credit EDUC 47 Internship (only if not seeking certification) 2-4 credits EDUC 490 Senior Project 2 credits Additional Professional Courses Required for Certification EDUC 445 Professional Issues in Education 3 credits EDUC 470 & EDUC 471 Clinical Practice: Student Teaching 4-8 credits EDUC 472 Student Teaching Seminar 1 credits Additional courses are required to complete the Minor in Multicategorical Special Education, the Autism Endorsement and/or the Reading Endorsement. A Professional Portfolio is also required. Completion of the other requirements for a Bethany BA degree: First year Seminar 3 credits English Writing Requirement 3 credits Biblical Literature Seminar 3 credits Creative Arts 3 credits Wellness course 3 credits FORL Requirement 8 credits Liberal Arts Core Contemporary Society and Institutions Culture Awareness (SOCI 210) Human Behavior (EDUC 203) International Understanding Life Science Literature Mathematical Understanding Physical Science The Western Tradition Additional credits for a student who uses courses in the program for LAC Choose two of the content areas below: Courses required for English 5-9 *ENGL 160 Introduction to Film 3 credits ENGL 111 College Writing 3 credits *ENGL 156 Introduction to Literary Studies 3 credits *ENGL 200 Literature and Literary Diversity 3 credits *ENGL 240 Creative Writing Workshop 3 credits *ENGL/FORL 370 Intro. to Linguistics & Hist. of English Lang. 3 credits ENGL 379* Introduction to Language and Language Systems 3 credits ENGL/EDUC 480* Methods of Teaching English 3 credits ENGL 483* Teaching Composition and Language 3 credits THEA 120 Beginning Acting 2 credit Courses required for French 5-9 *FREN 110 French I 4 credits *FREN 120 French II 4 credits *FREN 130 French III 4 credits *FORL 481 Foreign Languages for Middle Childhood 3 credits *Three credits in one of the following courses 3 credits FREN 220 Conversation and Composition: France FREN 221 Conversation and Composition: The Francophone World *Three credits in one of the following courses 3 credits FREN 320 French Civilization FREN 321 Contemporary France Courses required for General Science 5-9 *BIOL 100 .Modern Concepts in Life Science 4 credits GENS 151 Astronomy 4 credits *GENS 200 Laboratory safety and care of animals 1 credit *GENS 202 Physical and Cultural Geography 3 credits *GENS 480* Mthds & Materials of Teaching Physical& Life Sci. 3 credits *Four credits in one of the following courses 4 credits CHEM 100 Consumer Chem. CHEM 101 General Chem. *Four credits in one of the following courses 4 credits PHYS 103 Everyday Physics PHYS 201 General Physics Courses required for German 5-9 *GRMN 110 German I 4 credits *GRMN 120 German II 4 credits *GRMN 130 German III 4 credits *FORL 481 Foreign Languages for Middle Childhood 3 credits *Three credits in one of the following courses 3 credits GRMN 220 Conversation & Composition: Germany GRMN 221 Conversation and Composition: The German Speaking World *Three credits in one of the following courses 3 credits GRMN 320 Civilization of Germany GRMN 321 Civilization of the German-Speaking World Courses required for Mathematics 5-9 *MATH 103 College Algebra (or higher) 3 credits *MATH 105 Pre-Calculus 3 credits *MATH 201 Calculus I 4 credits MATH 210 Discrete Mathematical Structures 3 credits MATH 252* Mathematics for Teaches: Algebra and Geometry 3 credits *MATH 281 Statistical Methods I 3 credits MATH 430 History of Mathematics 2 credits MATH 480* Methods of Materials in Teaching Mathematics 3 credits Courses required for Social Studies 5-9 PSYC 100 General Psychology 4 credits SOCI 150 Society and Social Issues 3 credits *HIST 101 World Civilizations I 3 credits *HIST 102 World Civilizations II 3 credits *HIST 201 United States History I 3 credits *HIST 202 United States History II 3 credits HIST 225 WV History, Government and Geography 2 credits *GENS 202 Physical and Cultural Geography 3 credits *POLI 225 American Government 3 credits Three credits in one of the following courses 3 credits ECON 162 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 163 Principles of Microeconomics *EDUC 480 Materials and Methods in Teaching Social Studies 3 credits Courses required for Physical Education 5-9 BIOL 168 Intro. to Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology I 3 credits BIOL 169 Intro. to Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology II 3 credits *PHED 110 Advanced Aquatics I (Lifeguarding) 1 credit *PHED 175 Introduction to Teaching Physical Activities 3 credits *PHED 211 Lab Analysis: Football-Basketball 2 credits *PHED 212 Lab Analysis: Soccer-Volleyball 2 credits *PHED 213 Lab Analysis: Track and Field-Softball/Baseball 2 credits *PHED 214 Lab Analysis: Lifetime Sports (Golf & Tennis) 2 credits *PHED 215 Lab Analysis: Life. Leisure Act. (Camping & Dance) 2 credits *PHED 216 Lab Analysis: Fundamentals and Principles 2 credits of Movement, Fitness, and Nutrition PHED 243 Socio-Psychological Perspective of Physical Actvt. 3 credits PHED 244 Phil.-Hist. Perspective of Phys. Activities 3 credits PHED 326 Kinesiology 3 credits PHED 327 Physiology of Muscular Activity 3 credits *PHED 333 Adapted and Therapeutic Physical Activities 3 credits *EDUC 353 Integrated Methods: Health and Physical Education 3 credits Courses required for Spanish 5-9 *SPAN 110 Spanish I 4 credits *SPAN 120 Spanish II 4 credits *SPAN 130 Spanish III 4 credits *FORL 481 Foreign Languages for Middle Childhood 3 credits *Three credits in one of the following courses 3 credits SPAN 220 Conversation and Composition: Spain SPAN 221 Conversation and Composition: Latin America *Three credits in one of the following courses 3 credits SPAN 320 Civilization of Spain SPAN 321 Civilization of Latin America * Prerequisite to student teaching. Candidates must also be admitted to the Education Program in order to enroll in student teaching. View more details on Bethany College - Bethany, WV . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Interdisciplinary Studies courses.
Bethany College - Bethany address is Main Street, Bethany, West Virginia 26032. You can contact this school by calling (304) 829-7000 or visit the college website at .
This is a 4-year, Private not-for-profit, Baccalaureate Colleges--Arts & Sciences according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and student-to-faculty ratio is 13 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 6% .
Awards offered by Bethany College - Bethany are as follow: Bachelor's degree Master's degree.
With a student population of 811 (790 undergraduate) and set in a Rural: Fringe, Bethany College - Bethany services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers . Campus housing: Yes.
Tuition for Bethany College - Bethany is . Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics
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