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Government - Adams State College

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Government Bachelor from Adams State College details

Program Format: Campus Program Level: Bachelor

Government from Adams State College is a Campus Bachelor Public Administration degree that prepares you for a Human Services career. B. A. Degree: Government Emphasis - 15 Total Hours 1. Successful completion of general studies requirements for B. A. Degree 2. Successful completion of the degree program below. (36 hours total) Core Courses: * GOVT 291: American Government (3 hours) * HIST 202: U. S. to 1865 (3 hours) * HIST 203: U. S. since 1865 (3 hours) * HGP 471: Senior Seminar (3 hours) 6 Hours from each of the four following fields: Political Theory: * GOVT 436: American Thought (3 hours) * GOVT 466: Ancient Political Theory (3 hours) * GOVT 467: Modern Political Theory (3 hours) * GOVT 379: Topics in Political Theory (3 hours) * GOVT 479: Topics in Political Theory (3 hours) American Government: * GOVT 206: Contemporary American Politics (3 hours) * GOVT 429: Constitutional Law I (3 hours) * GOVT 430: Constitutional Law II (3 hours) * GOVT 450: Legislative Process (3 hours) * GOVT 460: Prelaw Seminar (3 hours) * GOVT 379: Topics in American Government (3 hours) * GOVT 479: Topics in American Government (3 hours) Comparative Government * GOVT 307: Intro. to World Government (3 hours) * GOVT 308: Pacific Rim/21st Century World (3 hours) * GOVT 325: Political Movements of Latin Americans (3 hours) * GOVT 393: Women, Politics, and Culture (3 hours) * GOVT 379: Topics in Comparative Government (3 hours) * GOVT 479: Topics in Comparative Government (3 hours) International Relations * GOVT 300: Introduction to World Politics (3 hours) * GOVT 301: Dynamics of International Relations (3 hours) * GOVT 468: U. S.-Latin American Relations (3 hours) * GOVT 379: Topics in International Relations (3 hours) * GOVT 479: Topics in International Relations (3 hours) View more details on Adams State College . Ask your questions and apply online for this program or find other related Public Administration courses.

Adams State College details

Adams State College address is 208 Edgemont Blvd, Alamosa, Colorado 81102. You can contact this school by calling (719) 587-7011 or visit the college website at .
This is a 4-year, Public, Master's Colleges and Universities (medium programs) according to Carnegie Classification. Religion Affiliation is Not applicable and student-to-faculty ratio is 14 to 1. The enrolled student percent that are registered with the office of disability services is 4% .
Awards offered by Adams State College are as follow: Associate's degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree.
With a student population of 3,302 (2,492 undergraduate) and set in a Town: Remote, Adams State College services are: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers On-campus day care for students' children . Campus housing: Yes.
Tuition for Adams State College is $5,627. Type of credit accepted by this institution Dual credit Credit for life experiences Advanced placement (AP) credits . Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics

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