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El Centro College Dallas Texas

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Before I make a confirmed choice on which school to attend for the Patisserie and Baking Associate Degree, I am wondering if there is a slightest difference between the 2-year courses offered at Le Cordon Bleu and El Centro Community College besides the tuition. I know the tuition at El Centro is about a quarter of the cost at Le Cordon Bleu and I'm really wondering if that's the only difference between the two or if one school you learn more or is better than the other. Also, I'm wondering out of the two which school would have a better student success rate of employment with the name of the facility on their resume?

asked on January, 2015 by cl87


School address:

801 Main Street, Dallas, Texas 75202-3604

Phone number: (214) 860-2037


College general information:

College Type: 2-year, Public

Carnegie classfication: Associate's--Public Urban-serving Multicampus

Student-to-faculty ratio: 21 to 1

Religious Affiliation: Not applicable

Undergraduate Sutdents enrolled who are formally registered with office of disability services: 3% or less

Education details:

Awards offered: One but less than two years certificate Associate's degree

Special Learning Opportunities: Teacher certification Distance learning opportunities Weekend/evening college

Campus Information:

Campus setting: City: Large

Campus housing: No

Student population: 12,028 (all undergraduate)

Students Services: Remedial services Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students Placement services for completers

Financial information:

Tuition: $2,490

Credit Accepted: Dual credit Credit for life experiences Advanced placement (AP) credits

Federal Aid: Eligible students may receive Pell Grants and other federal aid (e.g. Direct Loans).

Most part of the informations about this college comes from sources like National Center for Education Statistics

Compare 83 courses from El Centro College:

View Result 1 - 50 of 83

Associate, Campus

Accounting Assistant

Certificate, Campus

Accounting Clerk

Certificate, Campus

Bakery and Pastry

Certificate, Campus

Bakery and Pastry

Associate, Campus

Basic Culinary Skills

Certificate, Campus


Certificate, Campus


Associate, Campus

Business Administration

Associate, Campus

Conflict Management Specialist

Certificate, Campus

Culinary Arts

Associate, Campus

Diagnostic Medial Sonography

Certificate, Campus

Echocardiology Technology

Certificate, Campus

Echocardiology Technology

Associate, Campus

Educational Assistant

Certificate, Campus

Educational Personal

Associate, Campus

Executive Assistant

Associate, Campus

Fashion Marketing

Associate, Campus

Fire Protection Technology

Associate, Campus

Fire Science

Certificate, Campus

Food and Hospitality Service

Certificate, Campus

Food and Hospitality Service

Associate, Campus

Interactive Media Development

Certificate, Campus

Interior Design

Certificate, Campus

Interior Design

Associate, Campus

View Result 1 - 50 of 83

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